A Real World English volunteer works with adult learners

The Real World English program is sustained by donations and volunteers are always needed to serve as conversation partners with adult students and to work with the children’s program. With your help, Real World English can continue to expand its offerings and help more families!

You can volunteer to be a weekly conversation partner for an adult Real World English student who wants to improve his or her English listening and speaking skills.

Ways for High School and College Students to get involved

  • Volunteer in person on Saturdays with the children’s program from 8:45 am – 12:15 pm.
  • Volunteer to assist in one of the adult classes from 8:45 am – 12:00 pm.
  • Offer to share your expertise:
    • Can you teach Spanish reading/writing to children?
    • Do you have a skill or hobby to share with the children?
    • Can you teach children how to make or do something?
    • Can you tutor an individual child or help with homework?
  • Contact us about volunteering: [email protected]

Ways for Adults to Get Involved

  • Volunteer in person on Saturdays with the children’s STEAM activities from 8:45 am – 12:15 pm.
  • Volunteer to work with adult classes from 8:45 am – 12:00 pm.
  • Volunteer to be a conversation partner (times vary)
  • Offer your expertise:
    • Can you teach computer skills to adults?
    • Do you have a skill, hobby, craft, etc. you can demonstrate?
    • Can you speak about your job or career to our adults?
    • Can you speak about financial literacy, health topics, or job/career searching?
  • Contact us at [email protected]

“I found out about the program from one of my wife’s friends who came to the program. My wife and I decided to sign up and start taking classes. I asked for time off from my job so could come and learn more English. Now, I honestly feel more confident when talking English in my classroom and in my job and speaking with my children too. Everything is really great. My teacher is very patient and very professional. I want the teacher to keep challenging us to speak English at higher levels. This is the second year I have come to the RWE program I can say that one can learn if they put in the hard work.”

Ray, RWE Adult Student

“I chose the Real World English program to learn English because classes are instructed on Saturdays and the time works perfectly for my schedule. The time from 9:00 to 12:00 is not too early and not too late, it’s absolutely perfect! Saturdays work for many schedules for many people to be able to attend. I like that at the beginning of the program we take a test, and once we get our results they place us in the adequate level of English class that we should be in and that works for us.

Also, we have teachers who are very knowledgeable and they keep up with each individual’s advancement so we can better ourselves as students. I would like if the program would last longer and if we could have software that we could use at home to reinforce the English we learn in the classroom.”

Javier, RWE Adult Student

Expectations for UNCG Conversation Partners

Next steps…

REal World English

Mailing Address:
1108 Glendale Drive
Greensboro, NC 27406