The Office of Student Success, open Monday-Friday from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm, uses a developmental advising model by which students learn how to review and understand their degree and state licensure requirements. Students are informed of academic and personal support services on campus (and in the community) that may help in their success at the university.
In compliance with university policy, all students are expected to meet with their advisor at least once a semester for advising and registration. It is during that required appointment, students will be issued their advising code for registration. However, the office encourages students to also have regular check-ins with their assigned advisors to discuss how the semester is progressing. These check-ins may be conducted in person or virtually during regular walk-in hours.
Please note that only a few of the courses offered within each major, with the exception of the PAIL program, are online. Most of the courses found in each major are offered on campus during the morning, afternoon, and evening hours.
Walk-ins are available on Tuesdays from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm during the summer.
During the academic year, walk-ins are available on Tuesdays from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm and Thursdays from 9:00 am and 12:00 pm. Appointments with staff can be set up through email, phone, or Starfish.
For your first advising appointment, students are expected to review their degree evaluation in UNCGenie, have a proposed schedule in mind, as well as any questions for your advisor. Your advisor will take this information and access your knowledge of your program requirements before beginning the advising process. For new first-year students, it typically takes 4 years to complete these programs.
New and current UNC Greensboro students are encouraged to complete the change of major form prior to the campus advising and registration period. This allows the office to evaluate your change request, and if approved, assign you to an advisor in advance of peak advising and registration. During your advising appointment, advisors will review program and licensure requirements while making you aware of student support services in the School of Education and UNC Greensboro campus.
- Dr. Jacqueline Dozier — Alternative Licensure — [email protected]
- Ciara Marable — Elementary Education, STEP (Secondary), and Middle Grades — [email protected]
- Samantha Nifong – Special Education, Dual, and Professions in Deafness (Advocacy and Interpreter Preparation) – [email protected]
Click for video assistance on how to navigate the online degree evaluation, Degree Works.
Click for video assistance on how to register for courses at UNC Greensboro.
The School of Education at UNC Greensboro welcomes students to consider continuing their education not only at UNC Greensboro but with the School of Education! For transfer students, it can take 2.5-3 years to complete these programs.
For transfer students, advising and registration is by appointment prior to SOAR. During the advising appointment, advisors will discuss program and licensure requirements, review transfer credits accepted by UNC Greensboro, and select courses for your first semester at UNC Greensboro.
These alternative licensure programs provide initial teacher certification options to those who have already earned a four-year degree. These programs include NC Teach, Licensure-Only, and the PAIL program.
When and How to Apply
NC Teach admits three times a year. The deadlines for admission are July 1st (for fall semester), October 1 (for spring semester), and April 1st (for summer semester).
PAIL only admits students in the summer, and the deadline for admission is April 1st.
Apply for admission to these programs
How long Does it Take to Complete These Programs?
For NC Teach, it could take a minimum of three semesters to complete.
For Licensure-Only, the length of the program will depend on the degree you have and when you are available to take courses.
For PAIL, students take two classes in the summer, two in the fall, two in the spring, and then in the final fall semester complete their practicum/student teaching
When, and how, are Courses offered?
For PAIL, the program’s courses are all online.
For NC Teach, only a few courses are offered online. Most coursework is offered face to face and is usually in the evenings.
For Licensure-Only programs, online course and campus course availability varies by semester.
Advising Forms
Major and Concentration Forms
- Go to
- Sign in using your UNCG login credentials
- When you log in, if you are given an error message that you do not have a Sonia account, email [email protected] so that we may add you to Sonia.
- Please note, the addition may take up to five (5) business days to take effect.
- In your Sonia account, go to the “Forms” tab.
- At the top of the page, using the dropdown box next to “Form:”, select “Teacher Education Application” and then click “Add”.
- The Teacher Education Application will be added to your Sonia account. Click the red “Edit” button on the right.
- Once you have completed the application, under “Teacher Education Application Submission” click “By selecting this button, I am signing this application and stating that
all of the information provided is accurate and up-to-date”- Please note, if any required question (noted by a red asterisk) is not completed, the application will not submit. Please complete that information and try to submit the application again.
- To see the progress of your application, you may view the Teacher Education Application in Sonia. Once you have completed all minimum admission requirements, your
application will be forwarded to your program/department for approval.
Program Outline Forms
- Elementary Education
- Special Education: Elementary Concentration (Dual License)
- Special Education: General Curriculum
- IDEAs- K-12 Deaf Education
- IDEAS – Interpreter Prep
- IDEAS – Advocacy and Services
Academic Plans
Scholarships and Funding
A variety of financial aid is available to our students, including scholarships based on academic merit and financial need. We invite you to explore the many scholarship and funding opportunities offered in the School of Education.
The SOE General Fund scholarship application opens on January 15 and closes on March 1. Students who receive awards will be notified by the middle of April.
Students may also explore scholarships and funding through the following programs:
- Haggai Academy (Student must be at least 24 years or older at the time of application)
- Teacher Education Fellows (Traditional students)
- Federal TEACH Grant program (Certain restrictions apply)
Students may be eligible for the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program, which can forgive up to a certain amount of your student loans. See more information about receiving loan forgiveness.
SOE Office of Student Success
School of Education Building, Room 142
Mailing Address:
1300 Spring Garden St.
Greensboro, NC 27402