Traumatic experiences leave individuals struggling with distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and subsequent behavioral problems, including addictions. The effects of traumatic experiences extend to helping professionals and caretakers of those with trauma histories. Helpers can experience secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, and burnout. These risk factors have only been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

NCA-STAR Made-To-Measure Assessment Services

Made-to-Measure assessment services logo

Made-to-Measure Assessment Services is a customizable research and evaluation package. Our team of experts tailors trauma-informed, culturally responsive assessment plans created to meet the unique needs of individual partners. As the world reconnects, as businesses regroup, and as students and teachers return to the classroom, many are asking, “Now what?” The Made-to-Measure Assessment Services helps organizations ask the questions that matter, in order to develop an effective plan to address the wide variety of needs that are arising.

Made-to-Measure Assessment Services allows our partners to identify specific areas of interest or evaluation and obtain aggregate data grounded in psychometric evidence. This package includes agency or district-wide needs assessments, program evaluation, and assessment of distinctive areas for our partners. These needs assessments identify potential areas of intervention and evaluation guided by NCA-STAR.

What is a Needs Assessment?

A needs assessment is a systematic evaluation used to identify the needs or desired outcomes of its participants. NCA-STAR is able to develop customized needs assessments used to evaluate the unique, specific needs of organizations. Examples of potential evaluated areas include secondary traumatic stress, burnout, vicarious posttraumatic growth, and perceptions of organizational support. NCA-STAR will then deliver a final report of the assessment findings and key recommendations.

Additional Services Available Upon Request


221 Curry Building

Mailing Address:
PO Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170