Increasing Health Literacy Through Public Library Programs

Posted on May 30, 2020

A collection of heart health books on a table

Student: Damiana Fortenberry

Health literacy is a person’s capacity to understand and utilize health information. This is both a national and local community issue. In Gwinnett County near Atlanta, Ga., heart disease and mental illness are the leading causes of death. This project involves developing a partnership with the local health department and hospitals to bring medical professionals into the library for heart health literacy workshops.

What is the project’s goal?

Mitigate fear about health issues. Educate and empower patrons.

What is the innovation?

Provide free programming for community members in an inviting, comfortable space, including a display area full of books about heart health. Bring health professionals to the community rather than the reverse.

What has been the impact?

Patrons and staff are engaged in the workshops. Health literacy is now part of the library’s strategic plan.