UNC Greensboro

Future Plans for the Moss Street Partnership School

Exterior of Moss Street Elementary School

After extensive deliberation, UNC Greensboro and the Rockingham County Schools Board of Education have agreed not to pursue renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement and lease for the Moss Street Partnership School (MSPS). The mutual decision was made in part to address capacity constraints within Rockingham County elementary schools and to accommodate the Board of Education’s desire to maximize the utilization of current facilities and resources. MSPS will continue educational operations for the remainder of the academic year ending June 30, 2023.

Cunningham’s PTRP Experience Sets Up Success in Classroom

Justin Cunningham, center, receives his award for being named the Rockingham County Schools Beginning Teacher of Excellence

Driving a school bus for Guilford County Schools, serving as a secretary in the county’s transportation office, and working as a teaching assistant in Rockingham County Schools (RCS) could not fulfill Justin Cunningham’s desire to work with students. So he decided to enroll in the initial cohort of UNC Greensboro’s Piedmont Teacher Residency Partnership program.

CED Partners With Rockingham County Schools to Enhance Trauma-Informed Approach

Arionna Wilkerson CED alum

With mental health issues on the rise, it is important for counselors and teachers to enter the school with a trauma-informed lens. Trauma impacts so many individuals, including students, teachers, parents and legal guardians, and other school personnel. A trauma-informed approach helps teachers and school personnel consider how trauma impacts learning and behaviors of the children and adolescents in their classroom.