UNC Greensboro

Growing Teachers Around the World Through IGNITE

Karena Zhang, left, and Yue Yin, right, graduates of UNCG TESOL programs pictured above the Project Ignite logo

UNC Greensboro’s Innovation to Grow, Nurture, and Inspire Teachers of English-learners (IGNITE) trains Spartans to be at the forefront of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL). The IGNITE program began in 2022 and offers six different programs for learners on different career paths, including a fully-funded opportunity through the UNCG TESOL master of arts in teaching (MAT) program.

Karena Zhang (MAT TESOL) Active in Growth of State’s Mandarin Teaching

headshot of Karena Zhang

As the number of students interested in learning Chinese as a heritage language or foreign language continues to grow, the number of Mandarin dual language/immersion (DL/I) programs across the state of North Carolina has also increased. According to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, there are now 22 Mandarin … Continued