UNC Greensboro

CED Doctoral Students Receive the Donald Hood Student Research Grant

megan whitbeck ced doctoral student

Crisis and trauma surrounds us. And as counselors, we work with trauma among many of our clients – and typically do so from day 1 in trainee practicum and internship experiences. So what lends itself to developing crisis self-efficacy? That is just want two Department of Counseling and Educational Development … Continued

Dr. Jennifer Deaton (CED) Receives 2021 ACES Research Grant Award

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Dr. Jennifer Deaton received the 2021 ACES Research Grant award for the project titled, “Development and Validation Study of the Vicarious Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (VPTGI).” The study aims to further develop the VPTGI and establish a tool to support facilitating vicarious post-traumatic growth within supervision. This is the first award to … Continued

CED Initiative NCA-STAR Launches New Podcast, “Trauma Connections”

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The North Carolina Academy for Stress, Trauma, and Resilience (NCA-STAR) and the UNC Greensboro’s School of Education and Department of Counseling and Educational Development (CED) recently announced the launch of a new podcast, Trauma Connections. You can listen to the podcast’s inaugural episode and future episodes here. In keeping with … Continued

Dr. Kelly Wester Creates New Feature Column in Counseling Today Magazine

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Dr. Kelly Wester, Professor and Department Chair of the Counseling and Educational Development (CED) Department, created a new feature column in Counseling Today with co-author Maribeth Jorgensen from Central Washington University entitled Research in Action. The column, first published in July 2021, provides the applied interpretation of research published in … Continued

Dr. Christian Chan Interviewed for Counseling Today Magazine

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Dr. Christian Chan, Assistant Professor in the Counseling and Educational Development (CED) Department, was recently interviewed for the Counseling Career Stories column in Counseling Today, the American Counseling Association magazine. In the column, titled “Using the power of communities to dismantle oppression,” Dr. Chan mentions a current research project with … Continued