UNC Greensboro

See the Triumph

See the Triumph members

See the Triumph is a social media campaign with a goal of ending the stigma surrounding intimate partner violence. See the Triumph is the result of research studies with survivors of past abusive intimate relationships who have been out of any abusive situations for at least two years. These studies were conducted by Dr. Christine Murray at UNC Greensboro and Dr. Allison Crowe at East Carolina University. See the Triumph is intended to address all forms of intimate partner violence, including intimate partner sexual assault, violence perpetrated by males and females in heterosexual relationships, and violence within same-sex relationships.

Early Mathematics Performance Diagnostic

A child on the floor aligns blocks

Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students are unique learners who access the world differently than hearing children, many utilizing a visual language, and therefore may develop, order and organize concepts differently than hearing children. Yet, they are often taught as if they are hearing children who simply cannot hear. The result is gaps in foundational mathematics concepts as early as preschool, with many graduating high school at only a 5th or 6th grade level in mathematics. The Early Mathematics Performance Diagnostic (EMPD), created by Dr. Claudia Pagliaro and Dr. Karen Kritzer, addresses these gaps.

Let’s Move in Libraries

A woman meditates in a library

Dr. Noah Lenstra’s Let’s Move in Libraries initiative leverages libraries as important resources for healthy communities, nationwide and around the globe. The Let’s Move in Libraries Project receives its inspiration from former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative, which from 2010 to 2017 focused on increasing physical activity and healthy living among Americans.

STEM Teacher-Leader Collaborative (TLC)

Innovators work to improve a project

Elementary schools that serve large populations of minoritized youth often privilege literacy and mathematics instruction because those are the subjects included in high-stakes accountability testing. Teachers working in high-needs settings often feel isolated and need support to sustain innovative science and engineering instruction. We are committed to nurturing equity in science and engineering by empowering teacher leaders. The STEM Teacher Leader Collaborative (TLC) is a community of teachers, teacher candidates, university faculty, administrators, local business leaders, and community stakeholders that supports, celebrates, and sustains teachers’ efforts to include enriching, rigorous, equitable, and responsive science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) instruction in high-needs elementary schools in the North Carolina Piedmont Triad.

Gate City Writes

Gate City Writes facilitates opportunities for teachers to write and teach writing alongside K-12 students in the form of professional development. In addition, GCW supports young writers (grades 3-12) as they draft and publish a text using digital media during a summer camp. Recently, in collaboration with Guilford County Schools, GCW launched a special section of the camp called Community Voices, provided free to immigrant and refugee children who are learning English.

Congratulations to LIS for ranking #13

Guide to Online Schools recently published their 2020 Best Value Colleges and Most Affordable rankings. Congratulations to the UNC Greensboro Library and Information Science (LIS) department for being featured on these rankings! 2020 Best Online Master’s Library Science Degrees: #13 2020 Most Affordable Online Master’s Library Science Degrees: #13